
87 lines
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Raw Normal View History

(local wezterm (require :wezterm))
(local config (or (and wezterm.config_builder
;;; Font Options ;;;
(set config.font
(wezterm.font "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono"))
(set config.harfbuzz_features
:cv02 :cv19 :cv25 :cv26 :cv28 :cv30 :cv32
:ss02 :ss03 :ss05 :ss07 :ss09
(set config.freetype_render_target :Light)
(set config.window_background_opacity 0.8)
(set config.window_background_image "")
(set config.window_decorations :RESIZE)
(set config.window_close_confirmation :NeverPrompt)
(set config.use_resize_increments false)
(set config.enable_scroll_bar false)
(set config.enable_tab_bar false)
(set config.adjust_window_size_when_changing_font_size false)
(set config.window_padding {:left 0
:right 0
:top 0
:bottom 0})
;;; Keybinds ;;;
(fn keybind [mods key action]
(when (= (type action) :table)
(set action (wezterm.action action)))
{: mods
: key
: action})
(set config.disable_default_key_bindings true)
(set config.keys
;;; Clipboard ;;;
(keybind :ALT :c {:CopyTo :Clipboard})
(keybind :ALT :v {:PasteFrom :Clipboard})
;;; Font Size ;;;
(keybind :ALT|SHIFT :UpArrow :IncreaseFontSize)
(keybind :ALT|SHIFT :DownArrow :DecreaseFontSize)
;;; Scroll ;;;
(keybind :ALT :u {:ScrollByPage -1})
(keybind :ALT :d {:ScrollByPage 1})
;;; Reload ;;;
(keybind :CTRL|SHIFT :r :ReloadConfiguration)])
;;; Links ;;;
(set config.hyperlink_rules
[;;; Linkify things that look like URLs
{:regex "\\b\\w+://(?:www\\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\\+~#=]{1,256}\\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\\+.~#?&/=]*)"
:format "$0"}
;;; Linkify things that look like emails
{:regex "\\b\\w+@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w-]+)+\\b"
:format "mailto:$0"}
;;; file:// URI
{:regex "\\bfile://\\S*\\b"
:format "$0"}])