reo101 8701878171
feat(cheetah): refactor and update
Include common `homeManagerModules`
Load `home-manager` config automatically
Disable some packages to save space
Name `reovim` an `outOfStoreSymlink`
2023-02-17 03:21:03 +02:00

36 lines
882 B

{ inputs, outputs, lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
environment.packages = with pkgs; [ ];
# Backup etc files instead of failing to activate generation if a file already exists in /etc
environment.etcBackupExtension = ".bak";
# Remove motd
environment.motd = null;
# # Set $EDITOR
# environment.variables.EDITOR = "nvim";
user.shell = "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh";
# Read the changelog before changing this value
system.stateVersion = "22.11";
nix.extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes repl-flake
keep-outputs = true
keep-derivations = true
time.timeZone = "Europe/Sofia";
terminal.font =
firacode = pkgs.nerdfonts.override {
fonts = [ "FiraCode" ];
fontPath = "share/fonts/truetype/NerdFonts/Fira Code Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf";