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# Structure
- Everything is built upon [flake-parts](https://flake.parts/), with [flake modules](./modules/flake/) for automatic *stuff* extraction
- Automatic classic (`callPackage`) and `dream2nix` packages extraction
- Automatic `nixos`, `nix-darwin`, `nix-on-droid`, `home-manager` and `flake` modules extraction
- Automatic `nixos`, `nix-darwin`, `nix-on-droid` and `home-manager` configurations extraction
- Automatic overlays extraction
- Automatic devShells extraction
- Hosts can be found under `./hosts/${config-type}/${system}/${hostname}/...`
- Check [`./modules/flake/configurations`](./modules/flake/configurations) for more info on what is extracted from those directories
- Modules can be found under `./modules/${config-type}/...`
- Check [`./modules/flake/modules`](./modules/flake/modules) for more info on what is extracted from that directory
- Packages can be found under `./pkgs/...`
- Check [`./modules/flake/packages`](./modules/flake/packages) for more info on what is extracted from that directory
- Overlays can be found under `./overlays/...`
- Check [`./modules/flake/overlays`](./modules/flake/overlays) for more info on what is extracted from that directory
- Shells can be found under `./shells/...`
- Check [`./modules/flake/shells`](./modules/flake/shells) for more info on what is extracted from that directory
- Default one puts a recent `nix` (as of recently - `lix`) together with some other useful tools for working with the repo (`deploy-rs`, `rage`, `agenix-rekey`, etc.), see [`./shells/default/default.nix`](./shells/default/default.nix) for more info
# Topology
You can see the overall topology of the hosts by running
nix build ".#topology"
And opening the resulting `./result/main.svg` and `./result/network.svg`
# Secrets
Secrets are managed by [`agenix`](https://github.com/ryantm/agenix) and [`agenix-rekey`](https://github.com/oddlama/agenix-rekey)
> [!NOTE]
> Secrets are defined by the hosts themselves, `agenix-rekey` *just* collects what secrets are referenced by them and lets you generate, edit and rekey them
# To put `rage`, `agenix-rekey` and friends in `$PATH`
nix develop
## Edit secret
# Select from `fzf` menu
agenix edit
## Rekey all secrets
agenix rekey
## Generate missing keys (with the defined `generators`)
agenix generate
# Setups
## NixOS setup
# Initial setup
nix run nixpkgs#nixos-anywhere -- --flake ".#${HOSTNAME}" --build-on-remote --ssh-port 22 "root@${HOSTNAME}" --no-reboot
# Deploy
deploy ".#${HOSTNAME}" --skip-checks
## MacOS / Darwin (silicon) setup
# Setup system tools
softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
sudo xcodebuild -license
# Install nix
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix | sh -s -- install
# Apply configuration
git clone https://www.github.com/reo101/rix101 ~/.config/rix101
cd ~/.config/rix101
nix build ".#darwinConfigurations.${HOSTNAME}.system"
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake .
# System setup for `yabai` (in system recovery)
# NOTE: <https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/macos-recovery-a-mac-apple-silicon-mchl82829c17/mac>
csrutil enable --without fs --without debug --without nvram
# Credits
- [`Misterio77`](https://github.com/Misterio77) for his amazing [`nix-starter-configs`](https://github.com/Misterio77/nix-starter-configs), on which this was based originally
- [`disko`](https://github.com/nix-community/disko) for making disk partioning a breeze
- [`oddlama`](https://github.com/oddlama) for creating the amazing [`agenix-rekey`](https://github.com/oddlama/agenix-rekey) and [`nix-topology`](https://github.com/oddlama/nix-topology) projects